Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher |
Peter Dreher wrote about his already iconic series “Tag um Tag guter Tag”: “In 1972, a first single picture of the glass was created. Since 1974, every year at least 50 pictures are created, which show an empty water glass on a white table surface against a white background. The painted glass is in natural size in the image. The external conditions, such as lightening, distances, picture format remain unchanged. I came to glass out of the desire to make something very simple. Simple seemed to me an object that everyone knows. Simple not in the formal, but in daily perception, which we do not perceive as unusual, which belongs to our non-thinking use.” His glasses are portraits in the literal sense: they show the face of our lives, they show how everything can be found and rediscovered in one thing.
Peter Dreher (1932-2020) studied at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe. In 1965 he received the Rome prize, Villa Massimo and became head of the painting class at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste. In 1968 he was appointed professor. In 1976 he received the Reinhold Schneider Culture Prize of the city of Freiburg, in 1979 the Hans Thoma State Prize, in 1995 the Eric-Heckel-Prize of the Baden-Württemberg Artists’ Association.
Peter Dreher’s works can be found in numerous private as well as public collections: among others in the Museum Frieder Burda in Baden-Baden, the Würth Collection, Mamco – Musée d’art modern et contemporain in Geneva, the Kolumba Diözesanmuseum, Cologne, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe as well as in Mannheim, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Columbus Museum of Art in Columbus, Ohio, the Art Institute Chicago, the Pinault Collection in Venice and the Andy Hall Art Collection.
Peter Dreher
Tag um Tag guter Tag, Nr. 801, 1987
Oil on canvas
25 x 20 cm
Peter Dreher
Tag um Tag guter Tag, Nr. 439, 1990
Oil on canvas
25 x 20 cm
Peter Dreher schrieb zu seiner bereits ikonischen Serie „Tag um Tag guter Tag“: „1972 entstand ein erstes einzelnes Bild vom Glas. Seit 1974 entstehen jedes Jahr mindestens 50 Bilder, die ein leeres Wasserglas auf weißer Tischfläche vor weißem Hintergrund zeigen. Das gemalte Glas ist in natürlicher Größe im Bild. Die äußeren Verhältnisse, wie Beleuchtung, Entfernungen, Bildformat bleiben unverändert. Zum Glas kam ich durch das Bedürfnis, etwas ganz Einfaches zu machen. Einfach erschien mir ein Gegenstand, den jeder kennt. Einfach nicht im Formalen, sondern im täglichen Wahrnehmen, das wir gar nicht als ungewöhnlich wahrnehmen, das zu unserem nicht nachdenkenden Gebrauch gehört.“ Seine Gläser sind Porträts im wörtlichen Sinn: sie zeigen das Gesicht unseres Lebens, sie zeigen, wie in einem Ding sich alles finden und wiederfinden lässt.
Peter Dreher (1932-2020) studied at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe. In 1965 he received the Rome prize, Villa Massimo and became head of the painting class at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste. In 1968 he was appointed professor. In 1976 he received the Reinhold Schneider Culture Prize of the city of Freiburg, in 1979 the Hans Thoma State Prize, in 1995 the Eric-Heckel-Prize of the Baden-Württemberg Artists’ Association.
Peter Dreher’s works can be found in numerous private as well as public collections: among others in the Museum Frieder Burda in Baden-Baden, the Würth Collection, Mamco – Musée d’art modern et contemporain in Geneva, the Kolumba Diözesanmuseum, Cologne, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe as well as in Mannheim, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Columbus Museum of Art in Columbus, Ohio, the Art Institute Chicago, the Pinault Collection in Venice and the Andy Hall Art Collection.
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Meierottostraße 1
10719 Berlin
T +49 30 88 71 13 71
Di–Fr 11–18, Sa 12–16 Uhr
Meierottostraße 1
10719 Berlin
T +49 30 88 71 13 71